Myostimulation is the effect of physiological electrical impulses on the body and activating muscles without physical exertion.
The procedure has a healing effect on the whole body, and is also used to combat excess weight and cellulite.
Electromyostimulation is a hardware procedure in which low-frequency pulsed current is applied to tissues in order to improve microcirculation in the muscles, increasing contractility, fitness and endurance.
Initially, hardware electromyostimulation was used as a rehabilitation for patients after injuries, to restore the muscular-motor activity of astronauts after flights and as a remedy for tissue atrophy in people with disabilities.
Today, body myostimulation is actively used in hardware cosmetology

In our beauty salon "The Now Beauty Lab" you can get hardware multi-channel myostimulation of various problem areas, as well as the whole body.
Electrodes can be fixed to any area: legs, stomach, neck, chest, arms, feet. An individually selected treatment regimen will help correct your figure in a course of sessions at an affordable price.
Muscle myostimulation is one of the effective methods of body shaping and against cellulite. It has a local effect on those parts of the body that are difficult to correct with diets and sports. For example, the lower abdomen, the outer or inner thigh area.
1 course of electromyostimulation is comparable to 3 hours of intense training in the gym. But this does not mean that you can ignore natural active physical activity. By including moderate physical exercise, proper nutrition and drinking regimen, you can get in shape in a shorter time.
With the help of myostimulation, you can not only lose weight, but also gain weight with a special diet.
The procedure is in demand by bodybuilders who have reached a certain “ceiling” in increasing muscle volume
It’s simple if you:
do not eat for 2 hours after myostimulation – fats are broken down and you lose weight;
include a complete protein - vitamin diet immediately after the session – you gain muscle mass.

Electromyostimulation: advantages
body myostimulation reduces local fat deposits;
aesthetic rejuvenation of the body, triggering the activation of collagen and elastin.
an effective remedy against cellulite,
makes the figure athletic and fit;
helps to build muscle mass with a special diet;
body myostimulation improves blood and lymph flow;
activates microcirculation to saturate the body's tissues with oxygen
improves metabolic processes in tissues
Which areas can be treated with myostimulation
Muscle myostimulation for men and women is done on certain areas of the body depending on the location of fat deposits and cellulite. Myostimulation can be done on several problem areas at once during one session.

Abdominal myostimulation
To perform the procedure, 10 to 20 electrodes are applied to the problem areas. Next, the specialist regulates the supply of pulsed current to determine the optimal value comfortable for the client.
Electromyostimulation of the abdominal muscle area lasts 20 minutes. To increase the effectiveness, you can additionally do a pressotherapy procedure.
If your goal is to lose weight in the abdomen and waist area, then after the session we recommend not eating for 2 hours. It is recommended to drink water.
After several courses of electromyostimulation, the abdomen tightens, becomes more elastic, and fat deposits disappear. You will notice a greater effect with the additional inclusion of proper nutrition and fitness.

Buttock myostimulation
Electromyostimulation of this area is carried out in order to break down fat deposits and to tighten the large, medium and small gluteal muscles. After several sessions, the buttocks are tightened and acquire a beautiful shape. The “orange peel” is reduced.
In terms of time, buttock myostimulation lasts 20 minutes.

Myostimulation of the back is performed not only to remove fat deposits and improve the aesthetic appearance, but also to eliminate pain and spasms in the back area. The pulsed current activates the back muscles, which are the muscular corset of the back and the support of the spine. The contractility of the muscles improves, while spasms are eliminated.
Myostimulation also affects the nerve endings and improves blood circulation.
The procedure is useful for both women and men who feel pain, tension and discomfort in the spine and back area in general. The session lasts from 20 to 30 minutes.
In addition to the above, in our beauty salon "The Now Beauty Lab" you can do myostimulation of other areas: hips, waist, legs, arms, pectoral muscles.

Is it painful to do myostimulation
Many people think that the effects of current can cause pain and discomfort. However, this is not true. Myostimulation of muscles does not cause any pain. On the contrary, sometimes clients note interesting, unusual sensations during artificial contraction and relaxation of tissues without applying their own efforts. The parameters of the procedure are physiological for the body, the impulse is perceived by the muscles as a natural muscle workout.
Indications for electromyostimulation
Myostimulation is recommended for problems such as:
Muscle tone problems.
Joint and spine pathologies
Sagging skin due to lack of physical activity.
Lymph congestion and swelling.
Excess subcutaneous fat that distorts the figure.
At any stage of cellulite development.
Decreased skin elasticity and skin turgor
Uneven skin texture.
Who should not undergo electromyostimulation
Hardware myostimulation is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which it is better to refuse the procedure:
Foreign objects in the body: pacemakers, metal implants (except for dental and gynecological objects).
The presence of pustules and unhealed wounds at the points of contact with the electrodes.
Pregnancy and lactation.
Acute respiratory viral infections, elevated body temperature, acute period of infectious diseases.
Disruption of the cardiovascular system.
Thrombosis with inflammation of the vein wall.
Kidney stones and gallstones.
Mental disorders.

Usually the result of myostimulation can be seen after a course of 10-15 sessions. During the first visit, the specialist themselves evaluates the quality of the body and tells you how many myostimulation sessions are needed to achieve the result.
Experienced specialists of the beauty salon “The Now Beauty Lab” are ready to transform your figure in a few sessions.
Come to us for the figure of your dreams!