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How do facial microcurrents work? Is the procedure safe?

Microcurrent therapy is a hardware technique that has a therapeutic effect on the skin. Its essence lies in the use of low-frequency electric current of ultra-low amplitude. To understand the benefits of microcurrents for the face, let's first look at how our muscles work. With age, they relax, fall, and spasm, as a result of which such unpleasant effects as clamps on the forehead, ptosis of the face oval, etc. are observed. Electric current, which is supplied in microdoses, makes the muscles function normally again.

The efficiency of microcurrent therapy

Equipment used in microcurrent therapy delivers a weak electric current with an amplitude of 10-600 µA, a frequency of 0-300 Hz, and a voltage of 11-14 V into the skin. Such stimulation has positive effects:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes in facial skin cells;

  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;

  • eliminate puffiness;

  • normalization of facial muscle tone;

  • activation of lymph flow, etc.

Don't let the name of the procedure scare you - microcurrent therapy. You won't feel any discomfort. Sessions are not accompanied by pain. The effect is quite fast and, more importantly, prolonged compared to other methods. After the first visit to a specialist, you will be able to evaluate the result.

Microcurrents have a positive effect immediately on muscle tissue, dermis, and epidermis. This technique can be combined with other cosmetic procedures.

How many procedures do I need for a visible effect?

The number of procedures depends on the initial condition of the facial skin and the age of the patient. Women under 30 years of age are recommended to do 3-4 procedures per year as a preventive measure to slow down age-related changes. Ladies from 30 to 40 years old - a course of 5-6 procedures with an interval of 1 week. Patients over 40 can do 10-12 procedures.

Indications and contraindications

Microcurrent therapy helps to model the correct oval of the face and improve skin tone. Electric currents contribute to the smoothing of shallow wrinkles, are used to treat rosacea, acne, eliminate stagnant processes, etc. In fact, there are quite a few indications. If you want to improve the condition and appearance of the skin of the face, tighten the oval, and smooth out wrinkles, sign up for procedures in our salon.

The main contraindications include pregnancy, thrombosis, cardiovascular diseases, and the presence of malignant tumors in the body. In any case, before the procedure, the cosmetologist provides consultation and determines if the patient has any contraindications.

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