After shaving or poor-quality hair removal (wax/sugar), many people face such a problem as ingrown hairs.
Not only women, but also men are prone to this problem.
You are faced with the question: "how to get rid of an ingrown hair?", because this is not only a cosmetic defect.
An ingrown hair causes pain, inflammation and a local increase in temperature.

Ingrown hairs are not a dangerous skin disease, but they can cause a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to a person.
An ingrown hair is a small brown or reddish formation on the skin in the form of a tubercle with serous or purulent contents, in which the growing hair may or may not be visible.

Ingrown hairs occur because after shaving, the hair does not grow outward, but deep into the skin, causing inflammation and irritation.
This happens because dead skin clogs the hair follicle, causing the hair to grow under the skin instead of up and out.
Symptoms of Ingrown Hairs
Among men, ingrown hairs are most common after shaving the beard area, neck, cheeks, and chin. They can also appear on the surface of the head if a man shaves it. Ingrown hairs in women are most common on the legs, bikini line, pubic area, armpits, and around the buttocks.
Signs that indicate unwanted hair include the following:
Hard bumps, small in size and round in shape (so-called papules);
Small pustules that are filled with pus or serous contents;
Itching, hyperpigmentation of the skin, pain.

Causes of ingrown hairs
If we consider the type of skin and hair, then people with dark, coarse hair and dark skin are most susceptible to this problem. The reason is that this type of hair grows much faster than light hair. Add to everything else dense skin, and ingrowth can no longer be avoided.
Therefore, the following are the reasons causing such an unpleasant phenomenon:
a thick layer of epidermis (hyperkeratosis);
genetic predisposition;
hormonal imbalance (for example, surges in estrogen observed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle). Changes of this kind can occur with high estrogen production, as well as with an endocrine system disorder;
damage to the hair canal during the hair removal procedure;
formation of a small scar in the hair canal after epilation;
hair bending below the epidermis level. This happens if mistakes were made during the epilation procedure;
shaving against the grain (especially with a dull blade);
constantly wearing uncomfortable underwear made of synthetic material. Such underwear does not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the skin and often leads to the development of bacterial infections. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to immediately put on synthetic underwear after hair removal.

What you should not do when removing an ingrown hair
Most people try to cope with the problem with the help of improvised objects, but such actions often lead to complications.
Therefore, below is a list of those actions that should be avoided:
Using tweezers or a very sharp needle without preliminary treatment - such manipulations can lead to infection and further inflammation;
Trying to squeeze out the hair follicle in the place where the hair grows in, because this can lead to the outpouring of serous or purulent contents deep into the skin.

Removing ingrown hairs in the Now Beauty Lab salon
To exclude various unpleasant consequences that can arise when removing ingrown hairs at home on your own, we suggest you use the ingrown hair removal service in our salon.

You can be sure of the sterility of the procedure.
An experienced certified specialist will perform the procedure to remove ingrown hair quickly and painlessly.
We will give recommendations on care after the procedure and how to prevent ingrown hairs in the future.
The cost of the ingrown hair removal service depends on the treatment plan and is discussed individually.

If ingrown hairs are chronic, it is better to completely abandon shaving and waxing and sugaring.
A more modern solution is laser hair removal.
This preventive measure against ingrown hairs, safe and effective, is used in the Now Beauty Lab salon.