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Updated: Feb 3

The lymphatic system plays a key role in maintaining the body's immune system and cleansing the body of toxins. To improve the flow of lymph, pressotherapy is used - hardware lymphatic drainage.

What is pressotherapy

Pressotherapy is a type of hardware massage, the essence of which is the mechanical effect on the body with compressed air. The therapeutic effect of the procedure is based on the activation of the flow of lymph through the vessels and the acceleration of the release of fluid from the intercellular space.

Technique for performing the procedure

The pressotherapy procedure is carried out using a device consisting of a compressor and special compression covers in the form of cuffs for the arms, legs, and torso. The cuff consists of small pneumatic chambers that are inflated in a certain order, filled with air and deflated. The air is pumped by a compressor.

Due to the wave-like rhythmic pressure on the body parts, a massage is performed with imitation of muscle contractions, which stimulates blood circulation, displaces the fluid accumulated in the intercellular space and accelerates the movement of lymph through the vessels, starting the process of losing weight.

The procedure is carried out in a lying position and lasts from 30 minutes to one hour.

The device for the procedure is designed considering all the anatomical and physiological features of the body, so the procedure is comfortable and safe.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for the procedure are:

1. Pathology of the venous and lymphatic bed. Varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, lymphedema, lymphostasis, lymphatic edema of the upper extremities after mastectomy, prevention of venous thrombosis and congestion in bedridden patients.

2. Correction of aesthetic defects. Weakened skin turgor, the appearance of the first signs of aging, swelling.

3. Rehabilitation. Pressotherapy is used after surgical liposuction and cavitation.

4. Figure flaws. Excess weight, cellulite, flabbiness and sagging of the abdomen and sides, excess skin after sudden weight loss.

5. Pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis.

6. Psychoemotional disorders. Overwork, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress, insomnia, neurosis.

Thus, pressotherapy can be useful for many people with different needs and problems:

1. People with problems of the lymphatic system. Pressotherapy helps to remove excess fluid from tissues and improves lymphatic drainage, which is especially useful for people with edema or lymphostasis.

2. Athletes and people with excessive physical activity. Pressotherapy can help restore muscles after training, reduce muscle pain and improve recovery from injuries.

3. People with a predominantly "sedentary" lifestyle. Those who spend a lot of time in a sitting position (for example, at a computer or in a car) may experience stagnation and poor circulation, and pressotherapy will help improve this process.

4. Women during pregnancy and after childbirth. Pressotherapy can help relieve swelling and reduce the feeling of fatigue in the legs during pregnancy, as well as facilitate the recovery process after childbirth.

5. For cosmetic needs. Pressotherapy is used to improve the tone and condition of the skin, reduce cellulite and improve appearance.

6. People complaining of pain and tension in muscles and joints. Pressotherapy helps reduce pain and improve mobility, promotes muscle relaxation and improves blood circulation.

There are few contraindications, but it is important to consider them.

Hardware lymphatic drainage is not done if there is:

• skin damage (eczema, wounds, fungus);

• thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;

• vegetative disorders;

• glaucoma;

• acute infectious diseases;

• inflammatory and autoimmune processes in blood vessels;

• blood clotting disorders;

• limb injuries;

• epilepsy;

• pacemaker or other electronic device;

• heart disease.

How the procedure is performed

No special preparation is required before pressotherapy. The last meal is possible 2 hours before the session. The bladder should be empty, since the procedure provokes an increased outflow of fluid from the body. A special suit is put on the body, which is separate cuffs for certain areas of the body - long boots for the lower limbs, armlets, a wide hip belt. The peculiarity of the suit is that from the inside it is chambers that are filled with air in different modes.

The maximum compression threshold is selected individually. During the first sessions, the average pressure level is 40-60 mm Hg, and if the patient does not experience pain, it is gradually raised to a maximum of 120 mm Hg.

After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for a while and only then slowly rise to a vertical position.


How often should pressotherapy be done?

As a rule, a full course includes 10-15 procedures, once every 2-3 days. Such frequency of manipulation is associated with the need for a certain time for the body to recover and adapt to the changes that have arisen.

The average duration of one pressotherapy session is 30 minutes, if necessary, it can be increased to one hour under the constant supervision of a specialist.


A full course of therapy allows you to achieve the following results:

• weight loss;

• silhouette contouring;

• treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome;

• stress relief;

• increased tone of vascular walls;

• strengthening the immune system;

• slowing down the aging process;

• elimination of heaviness in the limbs;

• prevention of thrombosis and varicose veins of the legs.

Pressotherapy has a powerful drainage effect, removes excess fluid and along with it harmful substances, slags, toxins;

activates metabolic processes in cells;

improves blood circulation;

saturates tissues and organs with oxygen;

restores the functioning of internal organs;

removes stiffness and limited movement;

has an antispasmodic and vasodilating effect.

Along with improving well-being, thanks to hardware lymphatic drainage massage, your mood improves, you feel lightness in the body, tone, a surge of strength and energy, stress resistance increases and immunity increases.

You will get a comprehensive result for your health and general condition.

Recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of the procedure

To speed up the onset of the positive effect of pressotherapy and maintain it for a long time, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

• drink enough clean water;

• moisturize your skin daily;

• take a contrast shower;

• stick to a healthy diet;

• do moderate physical exercise.

Pressotherapy is one of the most effective salon procedures for body shaping. With its help, you can achieve quick positive changes in appearance, normalize the functioning of internal organs, and maintain health.

Hardware massage allows you to achieve a result in a few sessions that is not always achieved even by using specialized medications and physical exercise.

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